The Office Group



-    Website

Working with the team of Code and Theory, we were in charge of redesigning an MVP for the website of The Office Group.

The Office group offers the location of private offices, meeting rooms as well as co-working spaces in diverse locations across London.

For this project, I had the chance to work with a researcher that would conduct user interviews and testing sessions for us to understand the different personas that would visit the website and improve our design accordingly.

Our goal was to create a design system that would allow the team at TOG to complete the website later. 

As the testing sessions we had were testing both visual elements of the rebrand and the usability, I worked closely with the designer so I could use some elements of the design system directly in my wireframes.

Code and Theory - The Office Group

Content organisation, wireframes for mobile and desktop. User testing review


Visit website

–    User flow

UF1 - Find a building v2 Copy 3UF1 - Find a building v2 Copy 3

–    Wires

–    Final design

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