Looking Up



-    Mobile Experience

The Looking Up website aims to make the user think about the use of their smartphone by answering a series of questions.

At the end of the quiz, test-takers get categorised as The Uncorrupted or The Obsessive, receiving either a warning or praise for how connected they really are.
After opening their eyes to their technology obsession, users can then watch a series of provocative short films featuring people who gave up their phone for a day.

We worked on different navigation methods between the questions on the mobile version using swipe gestures. Once the user has given a response to a question, a small animation would then indicate to swipe again in order to progress through the quiz.

— Don’t hesitate to ask me for the interactive wireframes.


Commonwealth Detroit - Chevrolet

Content management, User flow, Interactive wireframes for mobile and desktop.

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–    User flow


–   Wires

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